— FX 300 Ninja Cup Rules
It’s Official – Australia Has a New Exciting Entry Level Road Racing Class For 2014 With The FX 300 Ninja Cup.
It’s long overdue by over a decade but it’s now official Australian road racers will once again have a very affordable level playing field mainstream entry level ADR complied class of road racing in 2014 with the introduction of the single make FX 300 Ninja Cup.
Not since the days of the Suzuki RGV250 and Aprilia RS250 has there been a truly suitable small capacity sports orientated motorcycle that is capable of ticking all the required boxes to make a successful mainstream as well as entry level class of racing. The Kawasaki 300 Ninja is the bike that ticks all the boxes and then some.The machine specific class rules play to the strengths of the Kawasaki Ninja 300 and allow sensible upgrades to make the most of the bikes performance and handling on track to give competitors an exciting machine to race on for a very affordable budget.Add in the fact that there not only will be a outright Cup championship but a separately point scored Ladies Cup championship and a U21 Cup championship to cater for everyone.
Mr. Robert Walker the National Sales and Marketing manager commented; “Kawasaki is very excited about the inclusion of the Kawasaki Insurances FX 300 Ninja Cup in the 2014 Australasian Superbike Championship. To have a dedicated racing class for Australia’s most popular and highest selling motorcycle is welcomed by us and we anticipate that it will be well received by Australian motorsports fans too. This class will allow racers to compete in what will be a hotly contested class on a budget that will make racing very accessible to all. The Kawasaki Insurances FX 300 Ninja Cup will allow young (& older) riders to gain valuable racing experience and have massive fun at the same time. I look forward to watching some edge of the seat racing in the 2014 Australasian Superbike Championships Kawasaki Insurances FX 300 Ninja Cup in 2014 and beyond.”
Terry O’Neill the managing director of the Australasian Superbike Championship said; “This new class will be attractive to plenty of existing racers and also doubles as a excellent entry level class. It will not only reinvigorate but redefine road racing in Australia which is long overdue. Road racing used to be much stronger and the talent pool much deeper when the original 2-stroke 250 Proddy class was going strong, when that died so did a big part of how the sport attracted young riders because there was no true entry level class. The Kawasaki Insurances FX 300 Ninja Cup class is what is needed to get the sport up and moving again and hats off to Kawasaki for recognizing what was required and supporting this going forward.”
All bikes in the FX 300 Ninja Cup will need to be factory ADR complied with Australian VIN numbers, however either new or secondhand machines are eligible to be used providing they have a factory fitted ADR compliance plate.
Kawasaki Motors Australia will shortly announce a prize pool for the series which will add even further incentive to be involved in Australia’s next big road racing class.
The FX 300 Ninja Cup will compete at all six rounds of the 2014 Australasian Superbike Championship in its own stand alone nationally televised races. The format for the rounds will be the same as in 2013 with six races over the two days of each meeting.
— Class –FX 300 Ninja Cup – 2014 Eligibility & Technical Rules (Check with FX directly for updates to rules before preparing machinery)
For Kawasaki Ninja 300 Motorcycles with factory fitted ADR compliance plates and must have Australian Model VIN numbers only.
NOTE: These rules may be updated without prior notice during the 2014 season at the discretion of the Promoter. However all competitors entered in the class will be notified as soon as possible in writing of any changes.
OEM per model and year; No modifications allowed unless otherwise specifically stipulated in these rules.
Two cylinder head Cam cover bolts will be drilled by the competitor prior to scrutineering.
The Series Chief Scrutineer will lock wire and seal each engine prior to the commencement of the round.
OEM per model and year
OEM or aftermarket heavy duty springs can be fitted
External gearing can be changed or replaced with aftermarket items.
OEM Per Model Chain pitch must be retained
OEM per model and year.
Air filters can be changed to aftermarket items but must be fitted and fully operational.
No internal modifications allowed other then fitment of operational aftermarket air filter.
No replacements, alterations or modifications to cold air connections / tubes etc to air box other then connection point to aftermarket Fairing if required.
Engine & gearbox breather pipes/tubes and the radiator overflow must exhaust into the air box behind the intakes. The air boxes own breather tubes must be sealed so no fluids can leak out of them.
OEM per model and year Starter motors and alternators must be fitted and operational.
OEM per model and year Australian ADR model ECU must be retained and be fully operational.
The ECU may not be psychically modified internally or externally. Factory standard OEM per model and year maximum engine Rev limit / cut out must be retained and operational.
The wiring harness cannot be modified other than to allow a Lanyard Kill switch to be fitted. No other alterations including no repinning of any plugs connected to the ECU / harness from the standard layout for the model and year.
All electrical components that are to be removed or disconnected must be disconnected at the original factory fitted plug in point.
OEM per model and year size and capacity Battery must be retained and fully operational and be charged at the correct voltage as stated in the manufacturers service manual for that model.
The exhaust may be changed to an aftermarket item. However the exhaust must be made of Stainless Steel or a ferrous metal for the headers, collector and tail pipe.
A Titanium muffler cover is allowed.
All exhausts used must at all times meet venue noise restrictions or a maximum of 95 db whichever is lower.
OEM per model & year with factory fitted original compliance plate fitted.
Repairs can be made if required providing they don’t alter the machines geometry and measurements from the OEM per model and year standard geometry as stated by manufacturer.
Triple clamps Standard OEM per model and year, no modifications allowed.
SUB FRAME – Original profile must be maintained if repaired.
SWINGARM – OEM model & year. No alterations allowed except rear stand mounting lugs & chain guard.
Any sharp edges left by the removal of components must be shrouded by a rolled edge or beading of minimum 3mm diameter.
Aftermarket faring, screen and instrument mounting brackets can be fitted providing they connect to the faring and frame in the original positions.
Rear – Aftermarket shock absorber with ride height adjuster is allowed. If a standard shock is used then internal modifications are allowed. Spring and spring rates can be changed.
Front – standard OEM per model and year tubes. Standard OEM per model and year sliders. Internals including springs, valving, oil levels and viscosity and external adjusters can be fitted.
Cartridge Kits cannot be fitted.
OEM per model & year calliper’s & Disc’s
Master cylinder standard OEM per model and year.
Pads and Lines manufacturer optional.
ABS can be disconnected
OEM per standard base model. Rim Width and size must remain unchanged
Cush drive, Standard OEM per model
No race kit, Limited Edition or R specification OEM model light weight or after market wheels
OEM shape and profile per model and year.
Aftermarket OEM replica per model and year fairing and seat may be fitted.
Rear mud guard and number plate bracket can be removed.
Seat unit may be modified to be single seat unit inclusive of number plates.
Lower Faring must be sealed and hold a minimum of 3 litres of fluid. It must also have removable plugs for wet races.
All replacement fairings and seat units etc must be made of fibre glass only. (No Kevlar or carbon fibre)
The Kawasaki name / logo must appear on both sides of the petrol tank and fairings. The Kawasaki name / logo stickers will be supplied by the Promoter and must be fitted to all motorcycles competing in the FX 300 class.
Race Number Plates (front and Rear) must be a flat (not gloss) Green in colour. Numbers must be black in colour and at least 150 mm in height.
Rear Number boards can be either on each side of the rear seat cowl or one number board on the top centre of the seat cowl.
If a single rear centred number board is used then the numbers must face the rear of rider when seated.
The Number Board colours must be the same as the front number boards.
Rear number boards can also be placed on each side of the fairing providing they meet minimum size requirements of 150 mm and are easily visible from 20 metres when the motorcycle is upright.
A minimum 6 millimetre pin stripe of a contrasting colour must be fitted around the number plate to differentiate it from the rest of the motorcycles colour scheme.
Number font can be; Arial Rounded Bold or Princeton, Varsity or Super Normal. The actual font is available as a faxed example from the Promoter. Please contact us and it will be faxed to you. If you would like to use a different number font please contact the promoter for written approval.
OEM per model and year. No metal, alloy or composite can be added or removed. No modifications allowed.
Standard OEM per model fuel cap retained and operational. No modifications allowed.
As per the various relevant Federal Government Laws, Acts of Parliament, restrictions and or allowances for fuel usage for modern ADR complied 4-stroke motorcycles and the relevant Series Fuel Restriction & Allowance Rules for the 2014 FX Nationals and ASC Series.
(Restricted to Unleaded commercially available Petrol station fuel pump sold petrol with a maximum Octane rating of 98)
Standard OEM per model and Year no modifications.
No Ethylene Glycol base coolants or other products are allowed to be used in the radiator or cooling system.
DOT approved Treaded tyres only, that must have a speed rating equal to or above the standard OEM fitment tyres and will be homologated by the promoter and will have a maximum recommended retail price (RRP).
The various ARTRP Promoted Series Sup Regs and Final Instructions that the FX300 class will compete in 2014 will cover all aspects of the tyre rules.
The 2014 Australasian Superbike Championship & FX-Nationals Series Supplementary Regulations (Sup Regs) regarding tyres, will if different, override these rules relating to tyres.
Foot pegs, Foot Peg Carriers, Gear levers, Clutch & brake levers.
Handlebars can be changed to clip on’s providing they do not interfere with the body work or the body work requires modification for the clip on’s to be used.
Spark plugs.
Fuel injection metering control device with an Australian Max RRP new of A$1000 incl gst Must plug into original wiring harness plugs.
Plug in piggy back Auto Tune units with no other functions other than adjusting fuel air mixtures. Must only use a single plug in oxygen sensor. No other sensors can be fitted or utilised for any other function.
Frame savers
Chain Guards.
Approved Lap timing devices allowed. Australian Maximum new RRP of $750 Inc GST.
Front and rear aftermarket axle stand points can be fitted.
Heavy duty crash damage resistant engine case ends
Mesh Radiator shroud / protectors can be fitted.
No quick action throttles.
No Quick Shifters allowed unless standard OEM per model and Year fitment.
No titanium or carbon fibre, unless standard original OEM part for that model and year or unless used in a replacement exhaust muffler and tail connector pipe to first joint or part of & or as crash resistant crank case end covers.
Fuel tank capacity may not exceed the manufacturer’s original stated Australian model fuel carrying capacity.
No modifications or alterations allowed that will compromise the structural integrity of the motorcycle.
Any sharp edges must be covered in such a way so as they cannot be able to inflict injury.
No Brake light allowed.
No on board telemetry allowed other then approved series timing transmitters, on board camera’s and approved auto tune / fuel metering devices.
Engine maximum rev limit must be no more than the maximum Australian model factory stated limit
Heavy Duty crash damage resistant Crank case end casings & or crash damage resistant covers.
Engine Sump Plug must be drilled and lock wired.
Oil filter must be lock wired to frame.
Brake calliper securing bolts must be drilled and lock wired (split pins in conjunction with lock wiring allowed).
Lower chain guard fitted in front of the sprocket.
Any pollution gear including air injection systems, and or anti-icing gear
Any road used gear required for ADR compliance including thermo fans, lights etc. that will not affect the safety, structural or visual integrity of the motorcycle other then what is stated as allowable or not allowable in these rules.
Pillion Pegs, Centre & or side stands
Horns, Traffic indicators, Rear vision mirrors, Registration plate/label holder
The Series Scrutineer at his discretion can require that the ECU be changed with one supplied by Kawasaki Motors Australia at any time during the event and then swapped back at the end of the round.
The Series Chief Scrutineer can require any bike at any time during the series be run on the series dyno to check engine output, max engine RPM etc. This may well happen multiple times throughout the year.
OEM = Original Equipment of Manufacturer (not year or model specific)
OEM + per Model = OEM for that model (not year specific.)
OEM + per Model and Year = OEM for that model and particular year
Unless otherwise stipulated the above three definitions do not allow any modifications
If something is not specifically mentioned in these rules then it is not allowed.
These rules may be updated during the year at the discretion of the ASC Series Promoter.
Regarding the ‘DEFINITIONS’ Section above be aware of how you can possibly mix and match parts from different models and years to your advantage. If in doubt about any rules or the eligibility of entering a machine in the FX300 class in 2014 please contact Terry O’Neill, on ph (02) 48 235 711 Fax: (02) 48 235 722 or email: [email protected] before a potentially costly mistake is made.
— 2014 Australasian Superbike Championship Calendar (Draft)
- Wakefield Park Raceway NSW …15/17 March
- Mallala Raceway SA ……………….17/19 May
- Queensland Raceway Qld ……….26/28 June
- Winton Raceway Vic ……………….15/17 Aug
- Wakefield Park Raceway NSW…..19/21 Sept
- Sydney Motorsport Park NSW……21/23 Nov Round 6 / FX500
For further information on the 2014 Australasian Superbike Championship Series please contact Terry O’Neill on 02 4823 5711 or by email at [email protected]