Motorcycle industry struggling to bounce back from GFC pain
—Â By Trevor Hedge
Despite the Australian economy generally bouncing back quite well from the effects of the GFC and credit crunch, the motorcycle industry is still feeling significant pain.
Overall sales were down 12.2 per cent compared to the first quarter of 2009. While on face value that doesn’t sound all that disastrous, it must be remembered that fall is in comparison to a first quarter of 2009 that was also quite disappointing. In the first quarter of 2010 a total of 23,211 motorcycles and all terrain vehicles were sold in Australia. That looks pretty bad compared to the 26,426 over the same period in 2009, but look further back to the 30,460 sales during the first quarter of 2008 and you can really start to appreciate the pain being felt across the Australian motorcycle industry.
Compared to 2008, scooter sales have fallen from 3807 to 2737. Sales of off-road motorcycles have shrunk from 10,687 to 7419. Road bike sales have not fallen quite as drastically but are still troubling. 9692 road bikes have been sold thus far in 2010 compared to the record 11,580 sales of 2008. The ATV market is also feeling the heat with sales down from 4386 in 2008 to a more modest 3363 this year.
This wider perspective on the figures provides plenty of in-sight into the financial pain being felt across all segments of the Australian motorcycle industry. From distributors to dealers to accessories wholesalers, the situation is bleak and troubling.
Customers are taking haggling over the best deal to extremes when cross shopping dealers. This has left dealers with, in many cases, virtually no margins in new motorcycle sales. Dealers are left to try and survive through their minor cuts of any insurance and finance components of a sale and hoping to retain their customer’s business for routine workshop servicing.
Smart dealers have increased their focus on used bike sales. No two used bikes are exactly the same. Some have more or less kilometres and various levels of wear and tear, so cross shopping on price point is not as common. This allows dealers to try and earn better margins on second-hand bikes than new bikes.
The strong Australian dollar has also pushed many spare parts and accessories buyers to utilise the internet to buy accessories and apparel direct from overseas, thus bypassing the local accessory distributors that invest greatly in supporting local racing. Many retailers that previously relied heavily on accessory sales are hurting greatly as a result.
Unless the situation turns around in this next quarter I fear that many dealers that managed to scrape through the downturn of 2009 will ultimately close their doors in 2010. This will lead to further industry consolidation that ultimately will produce a very bad state of affairs for the Australian motorcycle industry as a whole that there will probably be no coming back from. Consolidation is okay to a point, but too much of it is a bad thing.
Think about that last point next time you are considering your next motorcycle or accessory purchase. If you have a relationship with a dealer that has treated you well in the past I urge you to visit them and spend a little of your hard earned locally rather than overseas. Many motorcyclists have of course been spurned by bad relationships with some dealers but there are good dealers out there that deserve and rely on your support.
Yes, of course you can save a few bucks by shopping directly over the internet for a product that ultimately might fail and for which, quite rightly, you will receive no local back up and product support for. And you may or may not get stung for the clearance charges and applicable GST should the package get picked up by customs in Australia and judged as a transaction that should have tax applied.
Right now, your local dealer of choice needs your support more than ever before.
So before making your next new motorcycle purchase think about who is going to provide you with the best after sales service and advice. And who is the most likely to go into bat for you should you have a borderline warranty claim that the distributor of the product wants to deny. It is at times like these that having a good relationship with a trusted dealer is your best chance of achieving a favourable outcome.
The same goes for accessories. By shopping overseas you not only cut out the local distributors but also your local dealers. You know, the ones that are still open for you when you need that oil filter on a Saturday morning. Or have gone out of their way to provide you with good service in the past.
On the other side of the coin it is also important for dealers to up their level of service and commitment to their customers. That is very hard when customers are screwing dealers down so far on purchases to the point where they want the dealer to make no profit. But it is imperative that dealers, particularly smaller dealers, increase their efforts to forge personal relationships with their customers.
There are still plenty of motorcyclists out there that hold such a relationship in high regard and of course in most cases that works out to a win-win situation for both the dealer and the customer. And by supporting your local dealer you are helping the local employment situation. And if they do close shop think about how far will you need to travel to find an authorised dealer to service your mount.
Motorcycle distributors are all running many value-add sales campaigns and promotions to try and stimulate sales and if you are in the market for a new motorcycle I suggest that there has rarely been a better time to trade into a new bike. Factory cash back campaigns, free on road costs, low finance and insurance are also available from some distributors to help sweeten the deal. These are available on not only old stock but also new stock.
Local motorcycle distributors for the major brands are also doing it tough. With the huge downturn in the American market the factories are making less motorcycles which has the flow on effect of making each motorcycle more expensive. Few people also know that when the Australian dollar tanked last year the distributors wore the losses and did not pass any price rises in order to try and help keep the dealers afloat. If they had passed on the close to 40% price rises of course the market would have completely stalled and dealers would have had no choice but to close their doors. Instead the distributors all took major losses last year to help keep the market afloat.
If you are waiting for the next major update of a model before buying I wouldn’t hold your breath. Japan in particular was hit hard by the GFC and thus model development budgets were slashed significantly and thousands of engineers have been laid off.
But of course you don’t need to buy a new motorcycle to do your bit for the industry. Been holding off on buying that new muffler, pair of gloves, helmet or jacket? Well put it off no longer, get down there and spend some money.
I still like to think that there are enough motorcyclists out there that can see the big picture and want to help support the local industry. And on this score, I hope I am proven right. If I am not, 2010 will see dozens of dealers close their doors for good before this year is out. That is not in anyone’s interests.