Own your own Phillip Island hideaway – REGISTER HERE for complimentary two-night discovery visit
Welcome to Australia’s first Private Residence Club (PIPRC), the secure and affordable way to own your private Phillip Island hideaway. Imagine having a fully transferrable investment in a 2 or 3 bedroom Eco Villa at the All Seasons Phillip Island Eco Resort. Imagine no more! From only $32,500.00 to $42,500.00, you will enjoy all the privileges of Private Residence Club membership with minimal outgoings. Increasingly popular worldwide, this form of holiday property ownership is the way of the future. The great news is that you can start enjoying it today. RELAX AND ENJOY A REAL EQUITY OPPORTUNITY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Visit www.piprc.com.au; or Phone 1300 687 772. NB: The Phillip Island Private Residence Club (PIPRC) is a registered managed investment scheme (ARSN 136 538 648) under the Corporations Act. Interests in the PIRPC are issued by the Responsible Entity Fractional Property Ownership Australia Ltd (AFSL No 330719). A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the PIPRC can be obtained by calling 03 5952-6959. You are advised to consider the contents of the PDS before making any purchase decision. |