—Â Historic Nationals entries closing
This unique once a year Aussie Titles are set for Nov.15th,16th,17th, with an optional practise on Thursday 14th for entered riders.
You will see the cream of Australia and Kiwi riders battling for honours.
The HCMC of WA are three times promoters of the event and are aiming for this one to be their best yet, with displays and trade stalls.
Coming on board again are Shannon’s Insurance as Naming Rights Sponsor.
The local riders have been hard at work preparing machinery for the big challenge from their Eastern States cousins!
Entry forms can be downloaded from the HCMC website. www.historicracing.asn.au, but be quick, entries close on 14th October!
As an added incentive for the long trip to WA, the HCMC are running another race meeting at the Collie Raceway the following Saturday and Sunday. 23rd, 24th November.
Local Perth accommodation can also be found on the the website.
For any further info call Club President Bill Hargrave on 08-92956142 or 0415884429.